Peaceful Life Mobile Home S​ales
Peaceful Life Mobile Home S​ales
Your Mobile Home Broker for Life!
Your Mobile Home Broker for Life!
We'll Sell Your House Faster than you can say "Life's a Beach!"
Our Promise to Buyers
Our Promise to Buyers
We know that buying a home can be a scary process, especially if this is your first time buying a mobile home. If you purchase a mobile home from us and you are not happy for any reason and decide to move, we will list your home with no commission. Only condition is that it must be within the first 12 months of purchase.
Title Transfer
Title Transfer
Title transfers are done within 30 days of closing. Our staff will complete the appropriate paperwork and take it to the DMV. They require us to drop it off and pick up when the transfer is complete. Sometimes this takes 48 hours. We will then mail the registration and the sticker to the address provided. Please do not contact us until 30 days have passed and you still have not recieved it.
Some confusion about "55 plus communities" 80/20 rule
Some confusion about "55 plus communities" 80/20 rule
To be legal for a community to be age restriced, 80% of the community MUST be 55 plus. This means the 20% CAN be under 55. This does not mean that they HAVE to allow younger people, it simply means they can. It is up to the community. There is a lot of confusion about this rule.